Parker Hughes Cancer Center

Welcome To
Parker Hughes Cancer Center

At Parker Hughes Cancer Center, our mission is clear: To eradicate cancer through outstanding integrated programs in patient care, research and education.

The establishment of Parker Hughes Cancer Center marks a new era in the treatment of cancer - an era where scientists and physicians take knowledge gained from cutting-edge research and apply it to new, more effective, and safer treatments for patients.

Founded by Parker Hughes Institute, a leader in oncology research, Parker Hughes Cancer Center is dedicated to eradicating cancer. It's the very reason an unprecedented team of multi-disciplined doctors, researchers, scientists and medical professionals has been assembled: to face cancer, fight it, and find a cure.

Parker Hughes Cancer Center specializes in the development of new, effective anti-cancer drugs and advanced method of brachytherapy for prostate cancer. It is one of the few cancer centers in the world that work at every stage necessary to create and deliver treatments that will ultimately cure cancer, and do so without pain.